Price Complimentary Please join the Kansas City attorneys as they present this informative and educational seminar addressing the latest labor and employment law topics impacting employers. Program Agenda8 30 – 9 00 a.m. — Registration and Continental Breakfast9 00 – 9 10 a.m. — Welcome9 10 – 10 10 a.m. — News From the BeltwayOver the past year we have seen major initiatives, proposed rules, and enforcement trends coming out of the federal agencies that regulate the workplace. With a panel of Ogletree Deakins lawyers we will discuss what we’ve seen from the Department of Labor (DOL), the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), and the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), and what we expect to see in the coming months. The panel will conclude with a discussion of key employment decisions by the U.S. Supreme Court.Panelists Anthony B. Byergo, Stacy M. Bunck, Justin M. Dean and Nikki H. Howell10 10 – 10 30 a.m. — Compliance Minute How to Avoid Wage and Hour ClaimsIn today’s aggressive litigation and regulatory wage and hour environment it is more important than ever for employers to proactively analyze their wage and hour policies and practices—before a claim is made. This presentation will focus on strategies employers can utilize to reduce their risk of wage and hour claims, as well as assess their compliance with state and federal wage and hour laws. We will also discuss key federal wage and hour initiatives and their potential impact on employers.Presenter Chris R. Pace10 30 – 10 45 a.m. — Break10 45 – 11 25 a.m. — Social Media Friend or Foe?Our interest in social media continues to grow. This presentation will highlight the latest and greatest judicial and agency pronouncements on social media in the workplace, ultimately assisting employers in leveraging the benefits of communication technologies while avoiding their pitfalls.Presenters Mikah K. Thompson and Nicholas J. Walker11 25 – 12 15 p.m. — What Every Employer Needs to Know About Immigration EnforcementICE desk audits and fines are at unprecedented levels. We will provide an update on current I-9 enforcement activity and trends, as well as provide useful techniques to eliminate technical and substantive errors and suggestions for developing and implementing an effective I-9 compliance program.Presenter Christopher L. Thomas12 15 – 1 30 p.m. — Lunch and Special PresentationPTI—Pardon the Interruption but Who Knows . . .In a fast-paced Question and Answer format, learn both specific questions recently posed by firm clients and the answers and advice provided based on firm-wide collective knowledge and inquiries. While each issue might not warrant its own session, knowing the answers to these questions will send you back to the office armed with specific, practical guidance on an array of “real-life” HR challenges.Presenters Michael L. Matula and Patrick F. Hulla1 30 – 2 15 p.m. — Navigating Difficult FMLA and ADA ScenariosTest your skills and knowledge as we walk through challenging Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) and Americans with Disabilities Act (ADAADA) workplace situations. We will discuss tools for identifying and responding to medical leave and accommodation requests, as well as recent court decisions and regulations interpreting both the FMLA and ADAADA.Presenter Kerri S. Reisdorff2 15 – 3 00 p.m. — When Harry Sued Sally—and Other Non-Traditional Cases and MattersThe percentage of sexual harassment complaints filed by men hit an all-time high in 2010, as overall complaints fell nationwide. This reflects a growing trend of non-traditional harassment complaints, both sex-based and otherwise, that are cropping up in business and in courts across the country. This session will discuss several recent cases and offer insight on how best to prepare for and, if necessary, respond to such a claim.Presenters Jill A. Morris and Trina R. Le Riche3 00 – 3 10 p.m. — Closing Remarks3 10 – 4 00 p.m. — Social Hour—Drinks & Appetizers Note Registration and breakfast begin at 8 30 a.m. Program includes continental breakfast, lunch and course materials.