Carson Burnham, Shareholder and Founding Chair of the Cross-Border Practice Group (CBP) at Ogletree Deakins, along with her global team, manages worldwide labor and employment matters for clients and offers practical solutions to employment law issues in over 140 countries. Carson has extensive experience advising employers with how to resolve their cross-border employment issues and structure global transactions in an efficient and cost effective manner. Carson specializes in worldwide Ethics Investigations for US- and European-headquartered multinationals, strategic approaches to Employment law issues in cross-border M&A, and international executive compensation and management.
As co-chair of the M&A practice group, Carson manages cross-border employment law issues in all manner of mergers, acquisitions, divestitures and corporate restructuring. With over 20 years’ experience, Carson’s expertise focuses on the complex legal issues involved in managing M&A from a global perspective while remaining compliant, consistent and efficient at the local level.
Top issues Carson and her team work on include employment negotiation advice and counsel, compensation planning, executive compensation and benefits, international corporate structure requirements for engaging a local or expat workforce, union and works council negotiations, training, and litigation. Carson specializes in assisting her US clients break through obstacles arising from foreign employment laws that impede fast-paced growth and progress. The unique service-model of Ogletree’s CBP developed by Carson sets it apart from most international firms, as she and her team deliver results beyond US borders in the efficient, goal-oriented manner that US clients expect from good lawyers. Carson regularly writes and speaks on all manner of topics important to multinational employers.