On October 3, 2018, the New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development (NJDOL) released on its website the required notice that must be posted and distributed to all New Jersey employees under the New Jersey paid sick leave law. You can find a copy of the notice on the NJDOL’s website.

Here are seven answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs) about the posting and distribution requirements for the notice:

1. Are employers required to post a notice about the law?

Yes. New Jersey employers must post a notice of employee rights in a conspicuous place accessible to all employees in each of the employer’s workplaces.

2. Can employers post the required notice electronically?

Yes. The proposed regulations state that the required notice may be posted on “an internet site or intranet site” if the employer has such a site “for exclusive use by its employees and to which all employees have access.” 

3. Where can employers find the required notice?

The notice is available on the NJDOL’s website where all of the other required employer notices are found. 

4. Are employers also required to distribute the notice to employees?

Yes. Employers must provide all employees with a copy of the notice of rights (1) within 30 days after it is issued by the NJDOL, (2) at the time of hiring (if the employee is hired after the notice is issued), and (3) the first time an employee requests a copy of the notice. 

5. Can employers distribute the notice electronically?

Yes. The proposed regulations state that the required notice may be distributed by email.

6. Are employers required to obtain written acknowledgments of receipt?

No, the law does not require employers to obtain signed acknowledgments confirming that employees received the distribution.

7. Does the notice have to be posted or distributed in other languages?

The notice must be posted and distributed in any language that the employer believes is the first language of a majority of the employer’s workforce. The NJDOL website released the notice in English and 12 additional languages, including Spanish, Chinese, and Arabic.

The NJDOL also recently issued proposed regulations under the law providing additional guidance for employers.


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