Glass globe representing international business and trade

In the first episode of our new Cross-Border Catch-Up podcast series, Patty Shapiro (San Diego) and Lina Fernandez (Boston), both of whom are members of Ogletree Deakins’ Cross-Border Practice Group, discuss a broad range of issues to consider when employers expand their businesses with remote workforces in new countries. Patty and Lina highlight the importance of balancing the desire to enter new markets with the hurdles that strict employment laws may present. Our speakers cover protections for pregnant workers and mothers returning to work after the birth of a child; challenges related to remote employment relationships; and the timing and notification requirements for conducting lawful layoffs.


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Glass globe representing international business and trade
Practice Group


Often, a company’s employment issues are not isolated to one state, country, or region of the world. Our Cross-Border Practice Group helps clients with matters worldwide—whether involving a single non-U.S. jurisdiction or dozens.

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